
You run a company, have many projects and no one to work on them. Is it familiar to you? Hiring additional people is hard, and those you have hired leave just as they become productive. You are fighting on two “fronts” – for new customers and new people to serve these customers. You wonder how to get out of this vicious circle. So I have a special offer for you that 3 more companies can benefit from:


A few years ago I started working at a successful IT company that struggled to retain and motivate staff, pay fair wages and have a team culture. I stepped into my HR role to help the CEO in part by building a team motivated to “move mountains”.


To attract and retain the right people;

To build rules that create security and peace of mind for employees;

To build a sense of satisfaction and a sense of care by the company in your employees ;

То manage easily your knowledge and skills in the company, in order to focus on future projects;

To create a corporate culture oriented towards learning and results;

To provide your employees with a clear direction of development and security in the future of the company;

Your company is going through a difficult period: Deadlines are short, people are overloaded, customers are dissatisfied with the slow reactions of the team, which is working at their limits. Time management, prioritization and delegation do not help much. You become a firefighter and a doer instead of running a company. But feel like you are missing something important … There has to be an easier way.

Everyone expects solutions to problems from you!

New people, raises every few months… Decreasing tension…

After every successful project you say to yourself:

"Everything would have been easier, if I had done this and that!"

That is because now you can objectively and systematically look at the past situation and understand what the important thing is.
You coped with the difficulties – that’s your job. The cost is more resources, stress and wandering – for you and your team. Sometimes at a very high cost – personal life, family and even health.

What blocks you from seeing the situation objectively in time?

Everyone is pressuring you and demanding results, even if you do that to yourself. Trying to help everyone on the team soon get bogged down in the details. When you decide to change the approach, it creates resistance because people don’t like changes. They create uncertainty.
That’s why it’s hard to be objective and get the whole picture.

That’s why it’s hard to be objective and get the whole picture.

What is the solution?

A person outside can help. Someone who already has the experience is unbiased and can look at the situation from an emotionless perspective. A person who will help you keep the focus on the big picture.

In 2016, I joined the team of an IT company. My new colleagues greeted me with the line – “Why did you start working here? Don’t you know how bad it is? Everyone is leaving”. We started building trust using the method – I do what I say. I give feedback on how far I have come with my commitments.

With the help of a consulting and training organization, we created a competency model, transparent processes and commitment to the company’s goals. Here are some of the things we accomplished:

  • We’ve reduced turnover to healthy levels – we’ve had 6 months without a single person leaving;
  • Fair reward management – We have built a reward management system
  • We had a common understanding of the following issues:
    • When will I get a salary raise?
    • What salary increase can I expect? What does it depend on?
    • What is the next step in my career if I start in this position? How can I get there?
  • A motivation to upgrade employees’ knowledge and participation in training showed up;
  • We had competency profiles for each position and used them in task allocation, selection, knowledge management and responsibilities in teams, and managing the career development of colleagues;

Well, we’ve made mistakes too. Now I know that people must have reached a certain maturity level before being given more responsibilities.

I realized that people supported in the right way at the right time could create an outstanding team capable of achieving a lot.

At this moment complaints disappear and turn into action. But I also understood that external help is needed – maybe because the HR team is busy and cannot look at the situation from the outside. Оr because the company is small and does not have HR, the CEO has taken on this role.

I developed a system to support small and medium-sized companies to build teams in the turbulent environment in which they operate.

How it works, you will know when we start working together, but

Here are some of the steps we will follow:

  1. We will determine the needs of the company – objectively and systematically.
  2. We will define what result of our work we want.
  3. We will choose approaches and steps to fulfil the goals you have set for yourself.
  4. When building career paths based on a competency model, we will follow these steps:
    • Survey the company’s organizational culture and identify several important values ​​and soft skills significant to the entire company;
    • In collaboration with team leaders, define technical skill levels needed to perform tasks;
    • Establish standards for moving from one level to another – fair and clear;
  5. Individuals work with leaders and employees in the company to create career plans for everyone. Extreme care should apply to this process. Some people feel good where they are and with what they are doing. They are also essential to the organization. And they also need the appropriate attention and recognition.

How can you benefit from my experience and skills?

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