
You are new to the company and assigned to a leadership position. The senior leadership trust you with many responsibilities and expect you to achieve quick results. The team supposedly accepts you but maintains the status quo and sabotages you. Sound familiar? You can’t fire everyone and hire new people – knowledge is critical to business, and new people need time to get on track. You wonder how to get out of this situation. I have a special offer for you that 3 more leaders can benefit from:



To assert yourself as a leader and be heard;

To keep your team and gain their trust;

To achieve the expected results;

To build the organizational culture that will attract and retain talent;

To be successful;

It is a period of change for the company: They voted confidence in you because you have experience, but you achieved results with a team that trusted you and looked in the same direction. Now you have to gain trust and make changes, and the team is sabotaging you. People start leaving you to lose valuable knowledge and resources. But all the time feels that you are missing something important…

You need to cover expectations - provide fast results!

You manage to replace those who leave. You and your new colleagues put a lot of effort into the situation. You put the puzzle together the hard way.

At some point, you look back and see you managed to build trust in a great team, ready to follow you into the fire. You achieved a result, despite cost you a lot of nerves, effort and personal time invested in the work.

"Everything would have been easier, if I had done this and that!"

People don’t like change and often resist it. Trust takes time and the right approach. Knowing yourself well and communicating your strengths appropriately builds confidence that you know what you’re doing.

In these moments, a person needs support – someone to play the role of a “mirror”.

The upper management does not care how you will achieve the results, and the colleagues are deep down in the details.

What is the solution?

A person who can give objective feedback on the situation and knows techniques to help get to know people more quickly and relieve the stress of change. It can support setting clear goals that everyone can relate to and understand how they participate in achieving them.

The IT business is relatively new and rapidly evolving. So that implies rapid changes in the companies if they want to be successful. I started working in an IT company just before the pandemic, where I had to create new processes because the business was developing, and we had to respond to the new conditions. We all had to deal with unfamiliar situations. When we looked at various processes that needed optimization, I often heard: “because here it is like that” from people stuck in the routine.

In less than six months, we felt a positive change from the new processes, and the results came shortly.

I developed a system to support managers in changing the team culture and making it easier to go through the changes.
How it works, you can find out when we start collaborating, and yet

Here are some steps we will follow:

  1. We will reveal your strengths, and you will start to rely mostly on them;
  2. We will build your brand as a manager and a communication strategy related to it;
  3. We will analyze and mitigate the risks;

How can you benefit from my experience and skills?

Request an introductory meeting – this is a free consultation where we will define your needs and agree on the parameters of our partnership.

How much time will you need to invest? – it depends on you and your needs. I have clients who succeed in 1-2 sessions, but culture change is an ongoing process that takes time. It may take 10-12 meetings spread out over time.

Frequency, location and duration of meetings

  • We hold the meetings online using the GoogleMeet platform or live in your office.
  • Each session lasts 60 minutes.
  • I will give you access to my calendar so you can book according to your availability.
  • I recommend meeting weekly, but we can adjust according to your needs.
This offer is valid until my schedule is filled. At the moment I can help 3 more leaders.

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